EQUAL-SALARY Foundation gets a new look after partnering with PwC

With its new visual identity, EQUAL-SALARY is positioning itself as the benchmark for equal pay. Its partnership with PwC Switzerland ensures a global reach.

Nov 12, 2018

Equal pay for women and men – this is what the Swiss foundation EQUAL-SALARY is advocating for – providing a practical and scientific solution to help reduce the pay gap and improve equal opportunities for women and men.

A label of excellence, EQUAL-SALARY is now the world leader in certifying equal pay for women and men. To facilitate its international expansion and recognition, EQUAL-SALARY has carried out a complete makeover of its visual identity. The new logo is simple, clear and easily recognizable. To emphasize our exciting new direction and mark the international passage of the equal pay certification, the website also has a new look. The coral and blue colors reflect the gender equity that the foundation promotes through certification.

Starting today, visit our new website at dev.ergopix.com/eqsal23 and discover why our new logo was inspired by the logo of the United Nations’ 5th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG5).

« Our partnership with PwC Switzerland, one of the “big four” global consultancies, gives strong credibility not only to EQUAL-SALARY, but also to the whole movement for equal pay for women and men. PwC’s knowledge and experience strengthens the established methodology and supports the Foundation’s international expansion. With our new visual identity, we are ready to open up to the world. » Véronique Goy Veenhuys, Founder and CEO of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation.

« The mission of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is to promote equal pay – and thereby equal opportunities – for women and men in companies around the world. It thus contributes to the respect of a basic Human Right and provides a practical solution to one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. » André Schneider, President of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation.

Download the full press release as a PDF file here under.

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