Philip Morris Japan

Certified as an EQUAL-SALARY employer

Nov 29, 2016
Vevey/Tokyo, 29.11.2016

Philip Morris Japan (PMJ) is the first Philip Morris affiliate outside of Switzerland to receive the EQUAL-SALARY certification. Philip Morris International became the first multinational company in Switzerland to be certified as a provider of equal remuneration for women and men in 2015. This new milestone reinforces the company’s strong commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Following PMJ’s successful completion of the certification procedure, the EQUAL-SALARY label was awarded today in Tokyo by Véronique Goy Veenhuys, Founder of EQUAL-SALARY in the presence of Hirotaka Ishihara, State Minister of Cabinet Office and Jean-François Paroz, Swiss Ambassador in Japan.

On this occasion, Paul Riley, President PMJ, commented, “We are very proud to receive this certification in Japan, especially as the country has an estimated pay gap of 27% between women and men. We are also honored to be the very first company to be certified by the EQUAL-SALARY foundation outside of Switzerland since its creation in 2010.

Raquel Blanc, Vice President Diversity & Inclusion, Philip Morris International added, “Following this achievement, we are embarking on a global expansion of the project, and several other markets are preparing for certification in 2018. Our goal is to work with an increasing number of our affiliates to help make this certification a worldwide recognized label for equal pay.

Download the press release : English_PDF / Japanese_PDF

Speech of Swiss Ambassador in Japan,_Jean-Francois Paroz during the label-ceremony : English _PDF

Label Ceremony of Philip Morris Japan

Picture above : From left to right : Paul Riley, President Philip Morris Japan, Jean-François Paroz, Swiss Ambassador in Japan, Véronique Goy Veenhuys, Founder and CEO, EQUAL-SALARY foundation, Hirotaka Ishihara, State Minister of Cabinet Office and Martin King, President Philip Morris Asia.

Picture in title : Véronique Goy Veenhuys, Founder & CEO, EQUAL-SALARY Foundation and Paul Riley, President Philip Morris Japan.

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